The Make Your Own Book Competition

Lately the 3/4/5/6 class has entered a competition called “Make Your Own Book Competition”. Some of the class has entered in partners and some have gone alone. Some of the rules were that we were only able to go by yourself or in a partner but if more you can’t enter. you can only draw or take photos for illustrations. You have to type or hand write the text. The main rule is that you can’t have the book bounded commercially so you have to hand bounded. Mrs Cannon has also said we have to write any story as long as it is about our term theme which is “In A Galaxy Far, Far Away” so anything related to space. we have entered to do picture stories otherwise we will have to write thousands of words so it word would be easier and have to put in small amount of words and a lot of pictures but on a small amount out pages.    

The room 1 fitness with Mrs Cannon

Every Tuesday and Thursday we have fitness with Mrs Cannon. On Tuesdays we do running around the oval for 15 minuets and it makes everyone really tired. On Thursday we had Dawn come in to do some exercises and dawn said we have to try and bet our personnel best. For the exercises we do some exercises such as push ups, squats and more. This fitness is for our school carnival to make us more fit.

Book Tasting

On Thursday 27th of April our class had a book tasting. We came to school and looked through the window into our classroom and we saw white table cloths on the tables and little bowls of snacks. We then read the first few pages of the books Mrs Cannon put out for us and then we did a quick review and put our three favourite books on a bookmark.


In HASS last Monday we watched a video about the international space station.In the video it showed us where they sleep ,eat ,exercise and do there morning routine. They sleep in 4 chambers one on the roof ,one on the floor and 2 on the sides .They eat in a  room with dehydrated food that they need to hydrate but is already hydrated. Astronaut’s  exercise on a bike where they strap in there feet in. They brush there teeth with a tooth brush that they unstrap from the wall. When they need to go to the toilet there is a pipe and a hole, they both have a bit of suction. Astronaut’s go to the space station to fix things.

This mornings trip to school

On the way to school we went to Jackson’s and picked him up. Gadget noticed that the bus had a flat tyre when we drove off. Mrs Mason got a phone call from Lil to tell her that we had a flat tyre.  When we got to the end of Jackson’s driveway she hopped out and looked at the tyres.  She was not happy.   We had to hop out of the bus so Gadget could fix the bus.


The video from space

Last Monday in HASS the 3/4/5/6 class watched a video that some people where showing all around the International Space Station. We only got to watch some of the video and had to take some notes. The lady in the video showed us how they went to the toilet, how they ate, how they exercised, how they slept and the different rooms for different people. The different rooms had lots of experiments all over the walls. The class were enjoying the video, too bad we couldn’t finish it but next time we will so we can tell you more information next blog. A couple of students wanted to go to space because it looked like plenty of fun.