The weather

The weather is getting colder well I not used to this weather. It is getting confusing because I live half an hour out of town and sometimes it is very cold at home but here it might be hot here. It is my first winter in Perenjori and it is freezing but I just heard news it is getting colder.  How I’m going to sleep it was so cold last night?

Space mission


Today we are going to do some work on our mission. My partner is Hiraani. Our robot is speedy. Our mission is to take a picture of your Robot and leave it on the moon. There are six other missions. The one I  am really looking forward to the alien invasion we have to go a cross a bridge but there no sides if we fall off we will fall in slime.

The bird

Some  how a bird got the class it stayed for a while but it got out in no time at all. I was thinking why did the bird come in the class room? It went in the library where another class was then they scared it. Two days later a different bird come and it went into the boys toilet then Tyler tried to get the bird out but it did not work so he tried again then it worked 😄