Di Taylor

On Friday the 23 of June we had a famous Western Australian artist named Di Taylor come to our school with David Bowman-Bright who owns the bank gallery space in Carnamah. We did three different activities with Di and they were, a crazy picture where we could paint what ever we wanted, we did a self portrait with a twist and we did a charcoal picture. The first activity was an abstract picture and we had to pick a colour that we thought our emotions would look like I was exited so I picked a light blue. Just before we started Di told us that every time we washed our brush we had to get clean water so the dirty water didn’t affect our paint colour. When we were finished we got our picture taken with our art in a cool frame that looked like a Facebook post. Next we got to do a self portrait with a twist. Di told us that we were doing a self portrait first she asked us to put our hand on our face  and then put our hand down on the canvas and make marks at the top, bottom and each side, then we made marks where we thought our eyes, nose and mouth were. After that we got 3 different size brushes and 1 really cool brush that Di uses when she paints her paintings. The last art piece we did we had to use charcoal. Di gave us some tips with charcoal she said that we can smudge it. When we finished our art piece we got a group picture. When we were finished with Di she gave us a notebook to draw in and we got participation certificates from David for our collaborative art piece for the Carnamah art gallery. At the end of the day we were sad to see them go but we had lots of fun.

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